The Secret.
You stumbled upon the secret. The secret to obtaining permits is persistence, adaptability and a keen ear. We have seen many people fail at the permitting process, or they have spent significant amounts of money to get to the same result that our simpler approach achieves.
A successful application process includes the following:
1. Develop your project purpose and meed. What do you want to do?
2. Develop the project specfics in enough detail to establish impacts.
3. Discuss the project and impacts with key agency personel (listening well).
4. Refine the project based on their input (adaptablity is important).
5. Develop a simple and clear application with project drawings.
6. More complex applications deserve a more complex review - do you really want a complex review?
7. Follow-up, follow-up, listen and respond, and be persistent.
I want to know more about the secret.
You stumbled upon the secret. The secret to obtaining permits is persistence, adaptability and a keen ear. We have seen many people fail at the permitting process, or they have spent significant amounts of money to get to the same result that our simpler approach achieves.
A successful application process includes the following:
1. Develop your project purpose and meed. What do you want to do?
2. Develop the project specfics in enough detail to establish impacts.
3. Discuss the project and impacts with key agency personel (listening well).
4. Refine the project based on their input (adaptablity is important).
5. Develop a simple and clear application with project drawings.
6. More complex applications deserve a more complex review - do you really want a complex review?
7. Follow-up, follow-up, listen and respond, and be persistent.
I want to know more about the secret.